Brown, Marie A.–ZT 31.10.1881


Marie A. Brown till Zacharias Topelius 31.10.1881

The Cosmos. Haverly’s Theatre Building.
Chicago, Oct. 31:stst / 81.

Prof. Topelius.
Dear sir.

1 lemma startThe enclosed circular and press noticeskommentar will show you that I have not striven three years altogether in vain; I can now carry out my idea, and now I hope the Finnish artists will send pictures to me, that their glorious little country may be properly represented. To speak of business first, I will pay the duties on them, and frame them, putting an American price on them that will cover my outlay and yield me a fair profit; they must tell me what price they wish me to return to them when their pictures are sold. − With regard to “Fältskärns berättelser“ I am still at sea; Jansen, McClurg & Co. want the series, but are not willing to give me any terms that I can accept, and I cannot settle the matter yet, for Gen. McClurg is in Europe and will not return till the end of Nov. What I expect to do is to publish the books myself, according to my original intention, for I have now the basis I need to make them a success; if I do publish them, I can pay you|| a royalty of 10 pr. ct., which I should exceedingly like to do. I am sorry lemma startyour children’s stories were translated and published in Englandkommentar, for I wanted to translate them. Have I lost the chance? And is that an authorized edition? − Can you not be persuaded to send me a copy of lemma startyour illustrated Finland, the book with those lovely steel plateskommentar? I do not know yet whether I could do anything with it in a business way, but I would like it to be seen in my Scandinavian room, together with other choice illustrated works. − Did you receive lemma startmy letter of August 8:thkommentar? I have waited eagerly for a reply. In that I asked you if it was in your power to send me any cuts or photographs that would illustrate “The Surgeons Stories”. If I publish myself, it is my intention to illustrate them, if I can procure anything in the shape of pictures, and I can only do this through you. Hence I am anxious, for every reason, to receive an early reply from you. I have no other ally in Sweden Finland; in Sweden I am all right, and in Denmark, for I have friends here who are corresponding for me and putting me in connection with the artists. − From what firm in Helsingfors could I order photographs? I have already sent to J. Jaeger for a collection. Awaiting your congratulation, I am

With honest esteem yours

Marie A. Brown.

2 Will you not send me your own photograph? Please send it unmounted, for I have had an elegant album made for the portraits of celebrities, and I would mount it in that. Can you send me those of Walter Runeberg and his father?





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    stycke – textställe – kommentar

    1 The enclosed circular and press notices Saknas.

    1 your children’s stories were translated and published in England översatta av Albert Alberg: Snowdrops och Whispering in the wood, båda med undertiteln Finland idyls for children (1881). Se f.ö. Albergs korrespondens med Topelius.

    1 your illustrated Finland, the book with those lovely steel platesEn resa i Finland (som också efterfrågades av Selma Borg).

    1 my letter of August 8th se föreg., daterat 9/8 1881.


    • Brevsignum: 3313
    • Avsändare: Brown, Marie Adelaide, g. Brown Shipley
    • Mottagare: Topelius, Zacharias
    • Arkiv: Nationalbiblioteket, Helsingfors
    • Samling, signum: Topeliussamlingen 244.75
    • Form: brev
    • Status: original
    • Format: 21,2 x 13,4 cm
    • Antal blad: 1
    • Sidor brevtext: 2
    • Färg: gulaktigt
    • Kvalitet: konceptpapper
    • Skrivmaterial: brunt bläck
    • Övrigt: kartonglist
