Brown, Marie A.–ZT 26.5.1879


Marie A. Brown till Zacharias Topelius 26.5.1879

Boston, May 26th/79.

Prof. Z. Topelius.
Dear sir.

1 A dreary and very sorrowful interval has elapsed since I translated the first cycle of “Fältskärns berättelser” with such bright hopes, in 1871. Carlton, its first publisher, killed the book, must have suppressed its circulation, and not one cent was realized from it. Then the plates were transferred to Porter & Coates, Philada., but they had downright contempt for Swedish literature and delayed going on with the series, until Selma Borg’s break with us put an end to both lemma startthe Schwartz and Topelius enterprizekommentar; the firm would not go on publishing. For nearly five years the poor first volume has lain there, and now, for the third time I am making efforts to get that noble series of yours before the American public. I am devoting|| myself to the Northern nationality, not merely to the literature, but to the heart and soul that breathe through the literature, with more ardor and determination than ever before. The “Surgeon’s Stories” are absolutely needed here, to do away with the dense ignorance concerning the North, and because they are anti-catholic. I am my own publisher this time. With this I send you a copy of Runeberg’sNadeschda”, my first translation since the break with Miss Borg, and which was needed to prove that all the previous translations, except “Gold & Name” and “Birth & Education” were my work alone. Not one page has been prepared for the press by her of all the 10 books before the world. I cannot promise you any pecuniary return from the “Surgeon’s Stories” for my past labors have only put me heavily in debt, besides all that I have suffered in other ways. But I have resolved that I will carry out what I have undertaken, my nine years’ work shall not be for naught, and I shall establish Northern literature here, and the art too, and|| make both honored as they deserve to be. Now I appeal to you as an author, and an art-lover, as one whose sympathies I am sure of on every score, to second my efforts in your country and Sweden. Ask the artists to send me good works, to consign them to me, putting their price upon them. I will have good exhibition rooms, and carry out the plan in the highest and most ideal way. I wish the Swedish government might become interested and appropriate a fund. Will you not speak to the leading men of your acquaintance, and get the Swedish press to speak of it? I am having it well written up here. Prof. R. B. Anderson is very warmly interested, and I have written to Ole Bull, who is now in Brussels. Is it possible to raise a fund in Finland on the basis stated on my subscription circular? An edition of your work in English could not be uninteresting to your countrymen. I desire very much to have a specimen of Walter Runeberg’s sculpture. It would have|| to be in plaster. I shall send him my translation of his father’s poem, and ask him to allow his works to be represented here. If I succeed, and I mean to, I shall establisholäsligt p.g.a. konservering/inbindning here a little, nay, a great lemma startbulwarkkommentar, against Roman Catholicism, through the medium of bookoläsligt p.g.a. konservering/inbindning and art. The nationality must be establishedoläsligt p.g.a. konservering/inbindning for great reasons. The Norsemen wished it,oläsligt p.g.a. konservering/inbindning Gustaf Adolf wished it, in those colonies inoläsligt p.g.a. att bläcket är svagt och avmattat, på väg att ta slut the Delaware, yet every attempt seems to haveoläsligt p.g.a. konservering/inbindning been thwarted hitherto. The time seems to beoläsligt p.g.a. konservering/inbindning propitious now, the signs look that way, and a new, pure, brave element is much needed in this sordid, money-loving landoläsligt p.g.a. konservering/inbindning criminally indifferent to high motives and conduct. If I have your interest and sympaoläsligt p.g.a. konservering/inbindningthy in the movement, and how can I doubt it,oläsligt p.g.a. konservering/inbindning you will be able to render it most powerful support. No man could do more than you to further it. I shall look most eagerly for your reply. Yours with the truest esteemoläsligt p.g.a. konservering/inbindning

P. O. Box 300, Boston.

Marie A. Brown.

2 Angående Introductionen till Edra egna B:n Berättelser kan jag endast säga, skrif en hjertlig och kort helsning till mig i form af bref. Hjertlig och varm som den ande hvilken fyller Edra verk för Barn. Professor Topelius, Ni kan icke ana till den afskyvärdt slagsmålsmässiga ton som nästan blifvit alsmägtig här inom barn litteraturen. Om Ni önskar heldre skrifva en ”Prefacespråk: engelska” i ”essaye stylespråk: engelska” öfver vigten, värdet, ansvarigheten, det heliga kall och den ljufva fröjd som tillhör den ädle barnavännen och barnasinnetsuppfostraren, så gör det. Detta vore i sanning värdigt vår Nord och Z. Topelius hvars inflytande öfver ungdomen ovilkorligen utgjort en af de aldra djupaste rötterna till den uppväxande generationens framtida character. Skrifver Ni det i bref form till mig (något som då antoge en innerligare beskaffenhet i följd af dess personligt magnetiska effect, så erkänn deruti mina bemödandens värde att i detta land, bland det unga Amerikas vildt sjelfsvåldiga ungdomar, söka införa en obefläckad moralisk och aestetisk litterature.

3 Då jag nu åter upptager Topelii Fält. B:ser, så måste jag göra det med kraft och värdighet. Derföre ett ord om dess Introductionspråk: engelska. Jag önskar från Edert första bref till mig göra ett kort utdrag i öfversättning. Men om Ni anser Eder heldre böra skrifva något särskildt så gör det. Dock är det korta och ädla vitsord Ni gaf mig, allt hvad jag behöfver. och. Vidare måste jag nu ej glömma att bedja Eder om Ni kan låta sig göra, tillsända mig hemländska och utländska noticer öfver Edra verk att af vår förläggare begagnas i ”advertisementsspråk: engelska” emedan de och vi ärna göra allt i [----]oläsligt p.g.a. konservering/inbindning förenade förmåga att göra [---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----]oläsligt p.g.a. konservering/inbindning“to put your modesty & humility in your coat pocket” till dess vi “made a name for you in this country”. Ty nu gäller det “to brag”.





    Läs inledningen till korrespondensen här.


    stycke – textställe – kommentar

    1 the Schwartz and Topelius enterprize Se komm. till föreg. brev Brown–ZT 5/9 1873.

    1 bulwark bålverk.


    • Kirjeen arkistotunnus: 3310
    • Lähettäjä: Brown, Marie Adelaide, g. Brown Shipley
    • Vastaanottaja: Topelius, Zacharias
    • Arkisto: Nationalbiblioteket, Helsingfors
    • Kokoelma, arkistotunnus: Topeliussamlingen 244.75
    • Tyyppi: brev
    • Tila: original
    • Koko: 17,8 x 11,3 cm
    • Arkkeja: 1
    • Kirjesivuja: 4 + 1
    • Väri: gulaktigt
    • Laatu: konceptpapper
    • Kuosi: rutmönstrat
    • Materiaali: lila bläck
    • Muuta: tryckt bilaga med handskrift i vänstra marginalen samt på versosidan; kartonglist
