Christie, Ella R.–ZT 13.2.1894


Ella R. Christie till Zacharias Topelius 13.2.1894

Feb:ry 13:th 94


Dear Sir,

1 Will you excuse the freedom which I, a stranger & foreigner, take in addressing you. My only apology is – the charm which your childrens fairy tales have exercised, & it is to beg that, that charm may be still further extended|| that I am now writing.

2 Since my youthful days, spent with Grimm & Hans Andersen, I have not had such interest excited, & cannot but feel that the children of our country are suffering lemma starta literary loss in not becoming acquainted with themkommentar.

3 I should be infinitely obliged if you will let me know your wishes with regard to translation into English. It is only within the last year that I have begun to study Swedish|| but with regard to reading have found it comparatively easy. For my own pleasure I have translated several of the tales in “Läsning för Barn” & it is this which has made me desire that others should share, & to ask, first – your wishes, & then your permission to publish a volume of prose selections in English.

4 I can well understand the dislike which an author must feel at having his ideas faultily rendered, so that with your permission, I|| would submit the translations for your approval. I have endeavoured as far as possible to enter into the spirit of the stories, although conscious many times how inferior the language is, & that in translating one always suffers a loss.

5 Apologising for thus troubling you & hoping for a favourable reply

6 Believe me

yrsyours truly

Ella R. Christie (Miss.)

To Zach. Topelius Esq. – Helsingfors





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    stycke – textställe – kommentar

    2 a literary loss in not becoming acquainted with them Två volymer med Topelius sagor hade utkommit i engelsk översättning: Snowdrops och Whispering in the wood (övers. Albert Alberg, London 1881).


    • Brevsignum: 3336
    • Avsändare: Christie, Ella R.
    • Mottagare: Topelius, Zacharias
    • Arkiv: Nationalbiblioteket, Helsingfors
    • Samling, signum: Topeliussamlingen 244.13
    • Form: brev
    • Status: original
    • Format: 15,0 x 11,0 cm
    • Lägg: 1
    • Sidor brevtext: 4
    • Färg: blågrått
    • Kvalitet: skrivpapper
    • Tillstånd: välbevarat
    • Skrivmaterial: svart bläck
    • Övrigt: präglad adresstext: 19 Buckingham Terrace /\rEdinburgh; kartonglist\r
