Brown, Marie A.–ZT 1.3.1882


Marie A. Brown till Zacharias Topelius 1.3.1882

249 Indiana St.
Chicago, March 1st / 82.

Prof. Z. Topelius.
Dear sir.

1 This first day of March, the first day of spring, your series “Fältskärns berättelser” is at last accepted for publication after ten years of struggle and vain effort on my part. The disastrous connection with Carleton, Porter & Coates and Selma Borg occasioned so many complications that it was next to impossible to get the matter through, and only the most untiring patience and persistence has effected it. I had two good friends in the same establishment, one an American gentleman, Mr. Francis Browne, who was charmed with|| your novels and determined that they shouldoläsligt p.g.a. konservering/inbindning be made known to the American public and Mr. Schovelin, a Dane, who also sounded your praises vigorously to the firm, and vouched for my translation, even declaring that I was the best translator from the Northern languages in this country, and but for these two good friends, I fear the works would not have been accepted, notwithstanding they were highly appreciated. We were as tired to-day, the whole of us, as if we had been through a battle. − As for financial return, I fail of that, as it is, for the money I will have is barely enough tooläsligt p.g.a. konservering/inbindning sustain me while I am translating the last two volumes and to land me safely over in Sweden, where I have resolved to|| go for rest and a pleasant life. I have suffered so much here, in my native land, that I cannot bear the thought of remaining in it, and three months hence I shall leave it, probably forever. All my friends, both Scandinavian and American, approve my decision, and predict happy times for me abroad. − I have told you the good news first, the bad is that my “Cosmos” is completely broken up, and I am told that the treatment I have received from this rude, reckless city, is worse than has been meted out to any man or woman who has tried to establish a worthy institution. Its destruction was sworn almost from the beginning, and there seemed to be almost a malignant satisfaction in breaking it to pieces. It is said that no art gallery can|| live in Chicago, and the public did not seem to comprehend the uses of or benefit of a reading-room, hence there was no support to speak of. The way the city acted was simply disgraceful, and has disgusted me so completely that even to stay here three months longer is well-nigh intolerable and I only do so to finish those two books, so that the firm may have the series complete before I go.

2 lemma startYour letterkommentar, which came in due time, was a great pleasure to me; I hope to have one more from you before I leave Chicago which I hope to do about June 1st. Your portrait will probably grace the first volume, as the firm, Jansen, McClurg & Co. of this city, are strongly inclined to put it in. They are much interested and will|| present the works finely. As far as fame is concerned you and I will be all right, but as for money − oh dear! However, I feel that you will think I have done the best possible under the very trying circumstances.

3 I shall make my head-quarter in Stockholm, but intend to travel a good deal in all five countries, including Russia and Finland, which is my pet of them all. I look forward with much pleasure to my meeting with you, which is also an event much desired by my publishers. They are already beginning to ask me if I cannot persuade you to visit America. Because lemma startBjörnson camekommentar, they wish the great Swedish or Finnish author to come too. With sincere thanks for your friendly words and interest, I am

Yours with warm esteem

Marie A. Brown.





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    stycke – textställe – kommentar

    2 Your letter Saknas; avsänt 21/12 1881 (Topelius brevdiarium).

    3 Björnson came Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson besökte Amerika 1880–1881.


    • Brevsignum: 3314
    • Avsändare: Brown, Marie Adelaide, g. Brown Shipley
    • Mottagare: Topelius, Zacharias
    • Arkiv: Nationalbiblioteket, Helsingfors
    • Samling, signum: Topeliussamlingen 244.75
    • Form: brev
    • Status: original
    • Format: 15,8 x 14,4 cm
    • Antal blad: 3
    • Sidor brevtext: 5
    • Färg: gråtonat
    • Kvalitet: skrivpapper
    • Tillstånd: välbevarat
    • Skrivmaterial: brunt bläck
    • Övrigt: kartonglist
