Brown, Marie A.–ZT 3.7.1883


Marie A. Brown till Zacharias Topelius 3.7.1883

Norrlandsgatan 21.
Stockholm, July 3:rd / 83.

Dear Prof. Topelius.

1 A number of times in life I have noticed that the same thing happens twice, and now Mr. Bonnier is negotiating, for Fältskärns berättelser” with the second Chicago publisher, Mr. Revell. One day, about a month ago, I received a note from Dr. Montelius, telling me that a gentleman from Chicago, and he thought a publisher, was in Stockholm, and that it might be well for me to see him. I sent Mr. Revell my card, he called upon me, and at once said, when I mentioned the “Surgeon’s Stories”, that he would like to have them and asked me to tell Mr. Bonnier to write to him, as he was going right back to America. This has been done, and woläsligt p.g.a. konservering/inbindninge are now awaiting the result.

2 I now have Jansen, McClurg & Co’s publication of “Gustaf Adolf”, and I speak mildly, when I say that it is the most atrocious piece of work that I ever saw. I see by their advertisements in American papers that they have had the shamelessness to publish the 2:nd vol.,|| calling it: “Times of Battle and of Rest”. I think the author called it: “In the Time of Queen Christina”. But this firm does not pay any attention to such trifles. I have commissioned Mr. Atwater, who says I have been shamefully wronged, to put the whole affair into the hands of a lawyer and to sue them for very heavy damages.

3 But to tell you of something pleasant! I have had another delightful letter from Count Snoilsky, in which he says: “Vecka efter vecka har jag uppskjutit att tacka för det senaste brefvet, jemte de lyckade och trogna öfversättningarne.... men på inga vilkor vill jag längre dröja att säga Eder, hvilken tillfredställelse jag känner öfver den lyckliga fortgången af lemma startEdert litterära företagkommentar, som för visso förtjenar det intresse hvarmed det synes vara omfattadt i våra vittra kretsar.... Då ni låtit min vän Dr. Wirsén sjelf välja hvilka af sina dikter han önskade se öfversatta i Eder samling, har jag tänkt fråga Eder, huruvida ni icke skulle vilja öfversätta ett litet stycke af mig, kalladt Geten, hvilket är min favorit bland mina lemma startopera omniakommentar.... I denna vecka går jag bestämdt till fotografer, och skall|| då omsider hafva äran öfversända porträttet”.

4 Dr. Elof Tegnér writes me: ”I ha Jag har med nöje genomögnat öfversättningarne af Jätten och Ode till Stockholm, och kan icke annat än skänka mitt uppriktiga erkännande åt den talent, som förmått att så troget återge de svenska dikterna”.

5 Dr. Reinhold Geijer writes me: ”Er antologi vill jag mycket gärna låta anmäla i Tidskriften så fort ske kan, om Ni för detta ändamål sänder mig ett stycke manuscript”.

6 Prof. Estlander makes me the same promise, in the most cordial terms. – I have now 200 pages complete, of this anthology, and shall send one copy to be reviewed in “Finsk Tidskrift”, and the other in “Ny Svensk Tidskrift”. The enclosed clipping from Post Tidning was written by Dr. Wirsén himself. All of the poets will send me their photographs, with which I illustrate the work. Will you not send me yours? (Those wretches in Chicago kept the other one you so kindly sent me). Mr. Beijer has given me Runeberg’s, Riksarchivarien Malmström a splendid one of lemma starthis brotherkommentar, and I have now nearly all but yours.


7 I was obliged to give up my trip to England, for the money could not be raised for it then. But now, through my friends, I have started a subscription to pay me for translating Sveriges historia, and it promises to be entirely successful. I was suffering such tortures through poverty that it could no longer be endured, and it was undermining my health. Will you not subscribe also? I have fixed the subscription at 5 kr for each person, so that all, rich and poor, can subscribe and thus make it a national work. I have already as subscribers; Dr. Arthur Hazelius, Prof. Holmgren and his wife, Fröken M. Roos, J. Cervin, C. G. Cervin, Carl Cervin, C. R. Matten, Themptander, Dr. Otto Petterson, Fru Grundberg, Fru Mary Anderson.Dr. Hazelius and Prof. Holmgren, two warm, true friends of mine, will see that it is printed in the Swedish papers. I hope you will give me your valued name and support also.

Yours very truly

Marie A. Brown.





    Läs inledningen till korrespondensen här.


    stycke – textställe – kommentar

    3 Edert litterära företag en antologi med översättningar av svenska poeters dikter, innehållet presenteras i föreg. brev, Brown–ZT 3/7 1883.

    3 opera omnia (lat.) samlade skrifter.

    6 his brother författaren och litteraturhistorikern Bernhard Elis Malmström (1816–1865).


    • Brevsignum: 3323
    • Avsändare: Brown, Marie Adelaide, g. Brown Shipley
    • Mottagare: Topelius, Zacharias
    • Arkiv: Nationalbiblioteket, Helsingfors
    • Samling, signum: Topeliussamlingen 244.75
    • Form: brev
    • Status: original
    • Format: 20,9 x 13,4 cm
    • Lägg: 1
    • Sidor brevtext: 4
    • Färg: gulaktigt
    • Kvalitet: skrivpapper
    • Tillstånd: välbevarat
    • Skrivmaterial: brunt bläck
    • Övrigt: kartonglist
