Brown, Marie A.–ZT 1.12.1882


Marie A. Brown till Zacharias Topelius 1.12.1882

Grand Hotel
Stockholm, Dec. 1st / 82.

Prof. Z. Topelius
Dear and honored author.

1 Your welcome postal was as cheering as lemma startthe tones of the Finnish march from trettioårakrigetkommentar and I thank you heartily for it.

2 Things are in splendid shape. I had a long and satisfactory talk yesterday with Mr. Bonnier, and he will call upon me next week to resume the consultation, lemma startafter your letter to himkommentar and your letter to me have been received, for we both need all the power possible from you, lemma startyour complete authorizationkommentar. It seems that a sudden interest has been kindled for “Fältskärns berättelser” with lemma startSamson, Low & Co.kommentar in London, and I think Mr. Bonnier, if he is prompt and determined, can effect a combination with them for the publication of the series. A Norwegian, Mr. Braekstad, whom I suspect of covetting the place rightfully mine, as translator of “The Surgeon’s Stories”, has written to Mr. Bonnier asking him to send him the translati illustrations of “The Surgeon’s Stories”, with a view to having the works|| published by Samson, Low & Co, in London. I told Mr. Bonnier that this was a dishonorable proceeding on Mr. Braekstad’s part, for he had pretended to be a warm friend of mine and pledged himself to work for the cause and for me in England, and besides knew full well that I had translated the “Surgeon’s Stories” and that my translation was approved by the author. I shall dispose of Messieurs Braekstad and Alberg without much ceremony. In my interview with him Mr. Edmund W. Gosse told me that the cause of Swedish literature had been much damaged in England, because all the works introduced, and especially of Runeberg and Topelius, had been so badly translated; that the field was all my own, if I chose to take it, for there had been no worthy work done since the days of Mary Howitt.

3 If Mr. Bonnier could co-operate with Samson, Son & Co, it would be easy to obtain a good American firm, perhaps lemma startHarpers’ Broskommentar. Mr. Linnström is going to open lemma startnegotiations with them for Sveriges historiekommentar, and that affair is progressing nicely. I see an opportunity for a very grand, a universal success for “The Surgeon’s Stories”, the success of which I have dreamed for years.

4 Mr. Bonnier will write at once to Mr. Braekstad|| telling him that my translation of “The Surgeon’s Stories” is the one to be accepted, if the series is published in England. Under these circumstances, with so many lemma startvultureskommentar and hawks in the air, ready to pounce, you will realize how eager I am to obtain a letter from you, authorizing my translation, that I can publish at once in England and America. That is the only requisite now for success, for I found Mr. Bonnier well-disposed for the undertaking. An arrangement can now be made, in combining in this way with an English and an American firm, whereby the author, as well as the translator, can enjoy his just share of the profits, probably in the shape of a confirmed honorarium, for the works will be standard in each of the countries. I will confide to you a dearly cherished plan of mine, which is to use all the money that will come to me from the three enterprizes: Sveriges historia, Fältskärns berättelser and Runeberg’s works, as the lemma startnucleuskommentar of a fund to be raised for this new (old) project of cultivating the land (in Sweden), the only means of preventing emigration. I am so far initiated into conditions here, that I know that if a private fund be started, (and if I head the subscription-list with a good annual sum, I can soon raise a generous amount, for no Swede will|| refuse me) − then an appropriation can be secured from the government. My whole heart and soul are in this, and I will spare no effort to secure it. An article from my pen in Stockholms Dagbladet of October 7th, touched on the popular heart. lemma startThe editor, Mr. Walldén and I, are lemma startin thorough accordkommentar; he has given me permission to write four or five long articles for Dagbladet this winter,kommentar one of which, at his express request, is to be the history of “The Surgeon’s Stories” in America, their struggles for publication.

5 I think, if you approve of it, that I will translate your play “Efter femtio år” at once for America, and submit it to the manager of the Union Square theatre in N. York. Just now when I am stirring up such a breeze about “the great Topelius”, the author of world-wide fame, this dramatic production will be quite apropos. If accepted it will yield us both a goodly sum of money.

6 Do pray write soon, for with all my philosophy I cannot help being a trifle impatient, for there is so much at stake.

Yours with admiring esteem

Marie A. Brown.





    Läs inledningen till korrespondensen här.


    stycke – textställe – kommentar

    1 the tones of the Finnish march from trettioårakriget »Finska rytteriets marsch i trettioåra kriget» (musiktryck, K. E. Holm 1876); »melodi från trettioåra kriget». Dikten ingår i Nya blad 1889.

    2 after your letter to him ZT–A. Bonnier 24/11 1881. Se f.ö. ZT–A. Bonnier 1/12 1881 och Bonniers svarsbrev AB–ZT 5/12 1882.

    2 your complete authorization Se komm. till föreg. brev, Brown–ZT 9/11 1882.

    2 Samson, Son Searl & Co. Sampson Low, Marston, Searl & Rivington.

    3 Harpers’ Bros Harper & Brothers, New York.

    3 negotiations with them for Sveriges historie Ingen översättning känd.

    4 vultures gamar.

    4 nucleus grundplåt.

    4 The editor, Mr. Walldén and I, [...] articles for Dagbladet this winter, Bonnier uppger att Wilhelm Walldén verkar ha fått nog av Marie Brown och »icke tycks vara hugad att öppna sina spalter för hennes privata tvister» (se AB–ZT 16/1 1883).

    4 in thorough accord ung. ytterligt eniga, samstämmiga.


    • Brevsignum: 3316
    • Avsändare: Brown, Marie Adelaide, g. Brown Shipley
    • Mottagare: Topelius, Zacharias
    • Arkiv: Nationalbiblioteket, Helsingfors
    • Samling, signum: Topeliussamlingen 244.75
    • Form: brev
    • Status: original
    • Format: 21,8 x 13,8 cm
    • Lägg: 1
    • Sidor brevtext: 4
    • Färg: gulaktigt
    • Kvalitet: skrivpapper
    • Skrivmaterial: brunt bläck
    • Övrigt: kartonglist
